Thursday, June 21, 2018

the eternal fog

This story has been haunting me for awhile now. What to make of it? How does it fit ? Where to start?

It begins when my second grandson was three and was having a serious chat with his Dad. Out of nowhere Riley said this: " God said that I had to go down the steps, down to earth and into Mommy's tummy and I had to go by myself."My son asked if he was scared and Riley said ,"No, but I just had to do this by himself and that was that." I think my son was stunned and never thought to ask more, nor would I have.

Riley is now a tall , ginger, good looking young man of 17 years who loves children and is kind in every way. I recall giving him a small bag of Teddy Grahams when he was 5 and the first thing he did was offer one to his Grandpa. Sweet. In my wildest dreams I cannot see Riley being a bully, his heart wouldn't allow it. He has no memory of this conversation and I had no idea that this kind of memory is offered up by many children.

"Memories of Heaven"  by Dr. Wayne Dyer is a fairly recent book and it jumped off the shelf into my hand the other day when we just happened to be wasting time in the library. In reading some of the amazing stories I found this: the youngest child in a family, Abigail, describes "coming down and into her Mommy's tummy."That struck a chord.

A particularly touching story involved a mother who struggled to feel love for her son and then this happened: "I tucked Sean in and he began to sob uncontrollably.As compassionately as I could I asked him what was the matter and he said he wanted to be with his mother in heaven and he couldn't take being here anymore.I asked him what his mother in heaven gave him that I didn't and he answered; "Pure Love"?.He said that God was a being of white light and filled with love and that his Mother and God decided I needed to go to earth and be your son to help you learn. how to experience and give pure love.Sean was 8 years old at the time.

Wordsworth, who I adore, said this:.." our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting." Perhaps this is why we are restless here, down the steps and away from the Divine: we know better. But there is work to do and we must turn our backs and forget.

In prayer, I asked for help. What could the meaning of all this really be ?This was poured into my empty bowl:

"The point of the story will be that you are never without Me. Not here or there. Always cared for, always loved. From the ends of the earth to the heights and depths, nothing can separate you from the love of God.
God cannot withdraw His Love because it is all there is-it surrounds and seeps in all the cracks like an eternal fog that cannot be dispersed. It is all there is."


memawmaw4 said...

Sharon, these stories gives me much to think about.....I have never had such memories, but I sure wish I had. just to think that God sends us down here to go into our Mommie's stomach, to be born into such a cruel world, makes one wonder...maybe God hopes we will help our parents in some way...but then, what about the children who are treated in so bad a way here on earth, not loved....did God know this would happen??? why did He send us then???
yes...the "fog" seems to be very thick in these moments...I do so wish I could remember my "trip" down those stairs!!

georgia peach said...

I think of your journey and all the lives you have touched with your love and your faith, and it amazes me.How you love your family and show them God's love which they may have missed without you.He asked alot of you to be in the unsettled times of your life but your faithfulness gives him glory.And I couldn't love you more if you were my own sister.

Anonymous said...

Now, that is your most 'sacred' story thus far....and I can't say anymore better, except that you are a very special soul for God and the world...