Sunday, August 9, 2020


 I have known her for most of my life.She is dear to me in a way I cannot describe.A smile that warms, and a heart that beats with only love. A spiritual friend who seeks, wonders and serves.A servant of goodness. 

 A message on Facebook started a new relationship. Someone she knew years ago found her and they shared hours of talk and text. He seemed special, divinely sent? She has been single for a long time, had relationships that weren't the right ones. This new person seemed to be something different. So understanding, so full of promises and wishes, alot of "if only." Could love come calling this late in the game?

 She took a chance to meet and then this star of the universe said he was confused and didn't know if this was right. Blah,blah,blah. In wisdom and with a heart heavy with tears she wrote that she longer wanted to be in this "game".A good letter explaining her sorrow and disappointment.

 Yesterday she sat with the e-mail she had sent, let the tears stream and then the phone rang. She and I both rarely pick up the phone when it rings and the caller I.D. was of no help.Against her long held patterns, she answered and a young voice asked if she had a minute. She said : " I am Meagan and I know alot of people are suffering at this time and I wanted to offer a scripture to you.Would that be alright?"And in a sure and strong voice she said this:

" He shall wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, crying out or pain, for the former world has passed away.:Rev 21:4.

Meagan, a stranger, had no way of knowing that my friend was bereft or that this was the Scripture reading that she and her siblings had selected for the prayer cards given out at their Mother's Mass. But the Holy One knew. At that funeral, this was also read: "who will separate us from the love of Christ? Trial or distress or persecution or hunger....neither height not depth nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us through Christ Jesus..." Romans 8:35-39

1 comment:

patricia said...

It is wonderfully amazing how you can connect the dots in all of your indeed from our good Lord!