Thursday, January 30, 2014

the the desert......

There is still snow on the ground from this storm that I didn't think would happen.To walk through it is to see tiny skittering bird prints,larger triangle turkey foot impression and rabbit tracks.Then I notice the quiet.No planes going over or traffic on the bridge down the way.Peaceful deep quiet.

I once experienced this kind of quiet in another place.We were on a,not without drama, trip out West.Most of my family flew into El Paso, Texas and in a rented van,headed for the Grand Canyon.After a stop at that incredible place,unmatched in all the world,in my view, we drove to find a place to sleep.No reservations.The Pope was holding a youth rally in Denver and there was NO PLACE to stay.We drove all night and missed most of Utah.But on that trip was a sight and sound that I remember with the clarity of a crystal.

We had stopped along the highway after noticing a sign that said Painted Desert.Ambling over to the fence and gazing out, was startling.I could see for miles,for centuries, out into the rolling sand hills.The silence was so profound that it felt like gentle hands over my ears or soft cotton around my head.And then I heard this:"This is Who I am.This deep silence is where I am found."I could have set up an altar of wood and sat there forever.I am there now as I type.

Hearing this voice is called inner locution.I was unfamiliar with this term and afraid to ask.I believe that we are all meant to hear His voice as if we were strolling through the Garden of Eden.We have lost the capacity.And to admit to what we hear seems cheeky or worse.But I am beyond caring about that.I recall reading a story about a young girl who talked to God and people asked why He talked to her and not them.She said that He tries to talk to all of us but since no one is listening, he wanted her to talk for Him.This strikes me as true.St.John of the Cross said that words arise in this place(the hidden part of the soul)does more good for a person than a lifetime of deeds."

I don't know if you can "hear" by asking for it.I never did.It comes with a deep purpose in my view.To let be known who He is.I have never forgotten what I hear.I share it with trepidation not knowing for sure if this is what is meant to be.I can say that the words are always loving.I can also say that this is, in no way ,what I intended to write nor am I special.Since the proverbial cat is out of the bag,I may have to share other times and places.It will help if I get feedback.

The snow is still here,it is quiet, and He is near.


cjm said...

If each of us shares our encounter with our God it will no longer appear to be odd or out of the ordinary. It will become something devoutly to be wished, as the bard might have put it. The snow flakes of this week were the foreshadowing of His presence, seen in the unselfish acts of many in the metropolitan area as they were witnesses to the call of the gospel..."But Lord WHEN did I see you stranded, or hungry or exhausted or scared?" Again you have awakened us to a marvel in our midst, Sharon. Smooches.

georgia peach said...

Beautifully put.....I saw the Christing of the world in my brothers and sisters who pitched in with love and compassion..we can never lose when we do that...thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment....

Terésa said...

I remember another deep, silent snow.... when He was with us in our sorrow.... another beautiful post auntie... x