Tuesday, October 8, 2019

the wisdom of Clint Eastwood..

 This is new, I don't fully understand it but at night in dreams I am being visited by someone.This happens almost every night. People from the past, the present and some more than once. I add them to my prayer list and remember them that way every day. Last night was different. Someone dropped in that has been in my life at a distance since forever. Clint Eastwood. Yes, the actor I first met in "Rawhide" years ago.

 I won't go into length about the visit, just that we were in a Western bar and I was buying a rawhide purse with tan fringe and following him around. In our conversation, I found out that he was becoming Catholic. At his age. I was curious and asked why. With big eyes and a stern face he said: "This world will go on forever." He seemed amazed at this, then he went on;," between the ages of 17 and 20, I thought I would never find my way, I was a loser, aimless, lost.". The conversation continues, " There is an invisible dance going on around this world. People holding hands, dancing with joy because they know that there is Mystery, they know that they are here for a purpose and so they swirl and clap and encourage others to join. I want that".

I could actually hear Clint's voice in those words. Maybe you can as well.

So here I am in Jonesboro,Georgia with a new name on my list. Mystery. Will I know someday what these prayers have accomplished ? I don't know. However, I am supposed to be doing this.The list grows and the Dance goes on.

"I trust in the Lord;
my soul trusts in his word.
My soul waits for the Lord 
more than sentinels wait for the dawn...
..For with the Lord is kindness
and with Him is plenteous redemption...'Psalm 130: 5-7.

1 comment:

patricia griggs said...

Fascinating...because we notice, register in our mind and follow through. This story also inspires a another Haiku - wow! Thanks to my Delight.