Sunday, April 26, 2020

in these lonely times

  John and I escaped yesterday and got a haircut. It was good to laugh again with the hairdresser that has been trimming my locks for years.I could see that he was happy to feel useful again after weeks of hanging out at home.He said that after all this he learned one thing; he will never retire. Good.

 How are all the people coping, those who have no one that they interact with on a daily basis because of age or health.The ones who enjoy going to Kroger to smile at someone or the library to use computers or be surrounded by books.How hard is this very strange time for them?

 Perhaps the dream I had on April 23, speaks to this situation. It was so clear that I was supposed to be sharing what was revealed. I know it was Spirit driven because in my waking time, nothing like this went through my mind.It has two parts.

The first was to encourage people to find their way to a saint or two. If you don't have a favorite , use the one you chose at Confirmation .Or perhaps use your first initial and find one that way. I thought of St. Stephen, he who was the first martyr.Or use your middle name, which may be a saint's name..Mine is St.Anne, Mary's mother.Ask that saint for their prayers. Perhaps, before you act on something, ask them to help you to make a Godly choice.

 The second was to implore Mary to assist you if God has asked something of you. Like writing this mediation that I had no idea where to start or where to go.Ask for the wisdom to recognize what God is asking and strength to say yes, as she did.

In the dream, after each teaching, a man would get up and recap and all who were there listened intently.It was quite amazing to watch him as if it was a movie.

So I have started to talk to my saints.St.Bernadette, she who was granted visits by the Mother of God. She who was humble and wanted no fuss.The poor saint who became a nun and was ridiculed by her Superiors. Pray for me, dear saint.

St, Therese of Lisieux and St Teresa of Calcutta, who seem interchangeable to me, as they show us how to to do small things with great love.Dear Saints, pray for me.

Maybe this is the time to reacquaint ourselves with a saint, perhaps one we seem drawn to, as a  way out of the loneliness of this time. I found this on Twitter; it seems just perfect and hopeful:

"The Saints in their glory aid and encourage us. When we call upon our Guardian Angel he comes with many friends.Even in our isolation the Saints will come without exception." S Keedle

1 comment:

patricia griggs said...

So glad you shared this special dream with the world. I couldn't live without my long litany of favorite Saints who guide and enlighten the path to holiness. Let's keep the Spirit happy!