Tuesday, May 11, 2021

the butterfly visit


Today is my Mother's birthday and I want to tell you a story.

We were hiking in Australia in November a few years back. It was hot and hard. I had made it to the top of this long hill climb and was coming down. Everyone was leaving me in the dust and I was mad at all of them. I saw a pile of timber and sat down to fume. The view was startling, hills and mountains rolling in the distance. Immediately, I became aware of a small white butterfly darting around my head, my body, just there the whole time. Don't they usually fly off sooner or later ?

 What was happening was so unusual that I took a picture of the scene to remember later. This is how it felt : like a kindly visit, "everyone else has gone but I am with you." I can't explain it any other way. That's why I had to take that picture. My mood changed and I got up and wandered back to the farm. 

Several months later, I was in church when a young man came up to me. I had seen him before but didn't know him. He started with this: were you and your Mother close?   Backing up slightly at this intrusion, I said that we had been. Then he asked if I had had an encounter with a butterfly recently. Immediately I knew. He said " I just want you to know that this was your Mom being with you, accompanying you as you go." It all came together and I knew it was true.

So Mom on your birthday I have prayed that you are enclosed in God's love and I  want to thank you for always being there, always.



Anonymous said...

Your story is powerful, a 'suddenly" moment in time that lasts forever.
Thank you for sharing...it nudges a memory with my mother as a 'suddenly' God moment.

georgia peach said...

Thank you for commenting. Glad you were nudged...