Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Looking for kindness

Art by Alona Frankel


 The author of a book I am reading went for a hike in the Blue Ridge mountains. What happened changed his life and is changing mine This hike, which he had made many times, was more difficult because of  the many trees that had fallen across the path. He found himself muttering about the inconvenience and wondering why the trees hadn't been cut and removed.

After reaching the top, he began his descent. Then he noticed all the trees that had been cut and removed. He counted and found that 42 were still blocking the path but 47 had been removed. What a kindness, he thought and felt grateful instead of annoyed. This ties in so well with what happened on our trip to New York.

When John and I boarded our flight to New York in June, a lovely blond young lady sat next to us and greeted us warmly. When we landed she asked if she could help take our bags from the overhead bins. I was so grateful and then a thought dropped down from above. This kindness made me so happy, why not look for more ?That is what I did for the next two weeks.

We hadn't left the airport when the first one happened. An elderly gent, older than us,(there are such people) had been asked in error to remove his shoes at security. When we caught the mistake, John knelt down to re-tie his shoes. Other instances that day.

...a woman finding water for a dog at the outside cafe where we had lunch. The lady who cleaned the table running after us to give back the sunglasses John had left...a smile from another patron. 

Then over the next two weeks:.

..the elderly man in the antique store who wrapped my ceramic yellow and flowered bell in so much gauze it can withstand a nuclear blast. I had told him we were flying home. When I see my bell, I see his tender eyes as he wrapped and wrapped.

..Chuck who invited us for coffee in his cozy mountain house. Friendly men in the thrift store. Clean bathroom in the bookstore...John giving up his hike to take me to a clinic for my sty..

..My niece who set my cell phone up and  alerted my kids that they could call John on Father's Day. Their calls made him so happy.

..There were many many more.

The last one happened at the ice cream shop. John was 4th on line and up ahead a young woman and her Grandma were about to order from the outside window. John saw them turn away empty handed and knew what had happened. The shop didn't accept credit cards. He quietly went up and handed her a 20 dollar bill and walked back after saying, "Please, buy Grandma a treat." I was so moved. No one else had noticed..

I will never forget the joy of the moments that I noticed on this vacation.

Two things: Look for kindnesses AND write them down every day so they can bless you over and over.




Teri said...

What a beautiful reminder to appreciate the little moments of joy that happen to us daily.

georgia peach said...

Yes, exactly. Thank you for commenting.