Monday, May 14, 2018

ask Grandma Graham

The honor is all mine, for now. If my sweet granddaughter who is 5, has a question and the word God is in the sentence, she is told: "Ask Grandma Graham."I think it's hilarious. A few weeks back I got this one: "Grandma Graham, why did God make my ears so that I can't close them like my eyes and mouth?" What??? Thank you, Maddie's parents, my son Kevin and his wife Heather,.I got this one.Not.

Well, last night, Maddie had another one."Grandma Graham, when was God born?" I said, "You mean Jesus?" ?and she said "No, God."Well, now. I told her that God was never born that He always was and always will be. Puzzlement filled her face.I said, " It's hard to understand but that is how it is."She hand slapped her forehead and walked away.I thought, I know.It's hard.

Let me tell you about the soul of this beautiful child.There is a fellow kindergartner who has trouble behaving. He has pushed my Maddie down and treated her badly .He is like this with all the little children and the other day the whole class turned on him. He needed earphones and no one, not one child, would let him use theirs. Imagine his feelings .That's when my sweet girl walked up and handed him hers to use.My son has trouble telling this story because it moves him so as it does me.

Today's psalm is so perfect for my story: "Who is like the Lord, our God, who is enthroned on high and looks down on the heavens and the earth?" Ps. 113:5-6. If we could understand Who God is He wouldn't be God, He, who holds out the truth for us as we wander towards Him.We get it only slightly but as the journey goes along, it becomes a bit more clear.

This little girl with the big questions is being held in the palm of that great God who always was , always will be and waits for us at the end. Nothing could be more comforting.

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