Saturday, January 4, 2020

eyes wide open...

Art by Joanna Concepa

The rain has stopped , the river is up and the deer have ambled like ghosts back into the woods on this 4th day of a new year. This gift that has been given to us of time on this beautiful planet. I guess after 70 decades here, one can take the earth we walk on for granted. I take for granted that the geese honking overhead as I got out of bed this morning are headed for the river that is full and flowing. The mighty Flint. It is easy to miss what is around us, it takes effort to focus and appreciate.

  That is the main theme of our writing group.See, focus, appreciate and express that in writing or drawing. It is a life changer. The ability to look for and find small beauties and blessings that are out there every day.

I was recently given a book that, if all the pages were torn out, would still bless me. It is "The Art of Abundance."The title thrills. Are we awake to what we have or do we sleep ? How can we wake up?.Writing haiku helps us focus, taking photos requires looking for the worthy, looking deeply so that we can write that down, is another way. All this requires a belief that this is a good place and it matters that I notice.

The other day as we were leaving the Thrift Store, the book man who helps in the media area, was hanging some bookmarks for sale near the checkout. He handed me one, it had a penny attached and he wrote on the sticker, free/Bill.The penny had the letters WWJD cut out and the bookmark had a prayer. A simple gift that touched me. The penny is in a small blue bowl next to my PC. There is a strange rock that I found at the beach and on that is a medal of Therese of Lisieux, a gift from my beloved niece. Small things that represent great things to me. Messages.

Also in the bowl are two pennies and a dime,  found as I walk/run in my neighborhood.They have been run over and stepped on but I noticed and they speak to me of abundance. Just another reminder, keep your eyes open, notice, it's all a gift.

:"Awake , O sleeper.
arise from the dead,
and Christ will give you light". Eph.5:14.


patricia griggs said...

WOW! A touching story to inspire this Haiku...for you...

What a life changer
A new year to find
miracles each day!

Teri said...

Happy New Year all! A beautiful reminder to begin the new year remember, noticing and appreciating the little things that bless us every day.