Sunday, July 31, 2022

my birthday

Special days are hard they say. We got through John's birthday, Easter and now my birthday loomed. Alone for the first time. My children had a lovely celebration for me the day before. Food brought, stellar gifts and cards, a call from the ex-pat living in Australia. 

On the real day, a friend came by with such lovely gifts, a cake, and wisdom. She listened and buoyed my spirits. Then lunch with another angel who loves me and I her. Flowers delivered. Christ came to me in flesh, these people in my life.

And then something happened that made me glow each time I thought of it. The picture to the right is John on the bottom and his older brother Win next step above. John loved his brother and called him on birthdays, holidays and when storms hit Texas. 

That day John's nephew sent a text that Win was in the hospital with a possible stroke. His son Eric was with him and I called the number I was given and spoke to the son. They were waiting some seven hours to get an answer. Then I spoke to Win and we had a laugh and I told him I was praying for him.

This is the thing that is hard to explain. I have never been a person that likes to be on the phone. Dig around in my past to know why, I have no idea, but this day I had no choice about the call. I knew what John would have wanted and I was happy to do it. His goodness goes on. I glowed because I felt close to him. We are still a team.

1 comment:

muse said...

Of course, you and John are the best Graham team I know!
Birth days are invented first in heaven, so glad yours beheld wonderment on earth,sent with grateful affection.