Saturday, August 13, 2022

the harvest


I have kept a journal since 1987 when I started a running log.

1-28-87 Wed.  "Ran about a mile with John and Charlie. Felt awful, had to stop."   

 If I was being swept away by a raging river and you were on the shore and couldn't help me but shouted: "Any last words of wisdom?" I would gurgle and yell: "KEEP A JOURNAL."

 I found these words yesterday in my journal: "08-09-99 Hot Springs Jesuit House of Prayer. "Soon I meet with Fr. George.  What will it be like? A kind man who knows how to listen. He said the work of the Holy Spirit is this:

-Unity-mending relationships.

-Guidance-where to go.

-Enlightenment- so we see the truth

-Urges us to use our gifts.

Never heard this truth put this way. Yes."

On 12-22-20 I received this vision while sitting with a spiritual directee.

 "Three words kept floating by: waves, harvest and obedience. Over and over .Then I saw a person sitting on the shore with waves breaking over her legs, going in and out. She just sat there and after awhile she started crying, sobbing, bereft. A thin wispy Being came and sat next to her. A Being almost like a mirage having just enough substance to be seen. The Being spoke:

"What is the matter? The woman said: "I am lost." The Being said "You mean you don't know where you are? " "No," the woman said "I don't know why I am here." "Ah," the Being said, "I can help with that. In the sand make a list of your talents, personality traits, proclivities, what positive things you have to offer the world and next to that write how you are using each one for the Kingdom, for the good of yourself and others." 

With that the woman got up and went home with a new purpose and the Being stepped into the sea."

The date of this vision was 12-22-20, exactly one year to the day that John left me bereft.

The waves of grief come and go, I will be obedient and use my talents and leave it all in the hands of the Being who knew what was to happen and gave me a roadmap. The harvest is His. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such words of wisdom...that echoes Jesus' only doctrine:
Seed, plant and harvest.