Saturday, October 15, 2022

the bat faced voice


The voice the young girl hears is grey and streaked with harshness. It tells her: "you will always be second best, Loser!, no one will ever love you..".

She listens and sometimes repeats these as a mantra, scarring herself each time. She is creating her world without knowing it.

In time she realizes that she no longer hears that bat faced voice. When did it stop? 

Was it on the day she asked the Lord to help her as a young woman ? Or the day she finally turned her will over to the One who created her? Halleluiah it is gone. 

Soon another Voice, a smiling yellow butterfly voice,  called her by name and said:" I love you." Later the Voice suggested that she look for things to be grateful for, be on the look out for kindnesses. How this all changed her.  

And then this: "Each day be Christ to one person."

We become what we think. Giving thought to anything is creation: giving deliberate thought to anything is deliberate creation. What are we creating?


Patricia said...

O, this beautiful story challenges me to further creative thinking. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

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