Sunday, June 12, 2011

a monastery in Romania

Beyond that collection of boots and shoes is a small cell.The walls of the cell are plain;a cross,a bed with a white cotton cover,a small rustic writing table and a worn Book.

Does the thought of that room scare you?Or does it calm your heart and cause a whisper of joy to stir.This picture is of a quiet,secret place that the monk uses for prayer.One not need to be a monk to find such a place but for most there are challenges.I have a bench in the woods that is my cell.However, most months it is too hot or buggy to use.St.Francis pulled his hood over his head and that was his cell.

To me,the life of prayer,the discipline of it is as necessary as breathe.If I stop praying, my thinking changes.The spirit world becomes unreal instead of being a mist all around me.So I must pray.I pray that I will never stop praying.And sometimes I would rather not.

Thomas Merton ,the Trappist monk ,knew about this:

"The greatest joy in life is to give up yourself altogether for the honor and glory of God,to know that you belong to him entirely,that your will is known and possessed by His love.Anything that tends to that end,any sacrifice,therefore,brings joy and happiness,even though it may be bitter to the flesh."

How does the picture affect you?


Kirsta said...

The picture both calms and scares me. It calms me because it speaks to a need I know within myself - that place of quiet and peace. (I have an upstairs library/meditation/temple area in my home. That's mine when the weather argues with me.)

It scares me because of my claustrophobic tendencies. I find a touch the face of the Gods so much more when I am out in the open, with trees and water nearby.

Ryan said...

I'm more or less with Kirsta on this one. I understand the need for a place for quiet reflection, but more often my connections with God are when I am not in such a space. I too find the outdoor wide open spaces provide a link to my creator that seems much more nurturing than hiding myself away. A great post for reflection.