There is something that draws me to humble people.I am not alone in this.The other day ,my friend Eva sent a YouTube video of a young Korean singer performing on Korea Has Talent.As they spoke to him before his performance he mentioned that he doesn't sing very well but he enjoys it and that's why he was there.
In his checkered shirt and blue jeans, he bowed to the three judges and let loose in Italian.My,oh my.He chose Nell Fantasia from an Italian opera.This beautiful piece has been done by the Celtic Women and I first heard it as the haunting background music in the great movie,The Mission, with Robert DeNiro.Beautiful,challenging music and there this boy was,this orphan from the age of three, this street kid from the age of five,who slept for years in public toilets,untrained,opening his mouth to let magic out,to offer beauty to the world.
Listen to the words that are this song:
"In my fantasy world I see a fair world.
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of a place to live that is always free,
Like a cloud that floats,
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
In my fantasy world,I see a bright world.
Where each night there is less darkness.
Like the clouds that float.
In my fantasy world exists a warm wind,
That breathes into the city like a friend.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the cloud that floats,
Full Humanity in the depths of the soul."
I posted this on Facebook and another friend added this blessing for the singer,this hope for him ,"And I will repay you for the years which the locust has eaten."Joel2:25.
To Eva,Margo and Sung Bong Choi;a deep bow.
Sharon, I am so glad to see a post from you! I must find this song and have a listen.... I felt wrapped in the lyrics... a good place... thank you.
Ry,I was PC-less for over a week.A sad place to be...thank you for dropping in!You Tube has it under his name.It's worth a look.Sung Bong Choi....
Thank you for the beautiful meditation. I, too, was touched with his humility. I didn't know the name of the song or understand the words, but I knew it was heartfelt. Over 25 years ago an oral surgeon I worked with gave me that scripture verse and said if it was meant for me someone, somewhere would confirm it. Fifteen years later Nick and I were on a retreat and Nick suggested we go up for prayer to the couple leading the retreat (they did not know us)and for Nick to suggest we go up for prayer was so unusual at first I said no. After a few moments of silent prayer, the man said he kept hearing a scripture verse and he didn't know whether it would mean anything, but he looked at me and repeated Joel 2:25 -- God's timing.
Thank you for sharing that lovely story Margo.We can't outgive Him can we?
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