Sunday, April 15, 2012

following the lead

This morning in church, I was reminded once again of the importance of following the small whispers of the Spirit.That little nudge to go that way instead of this, even when we cannot see the difference.

It was a mild spring evening when I walked into the classroom where seekers had been meeting for a week or two.These were people discerning if they should be Catholic.The room was full of energy and this was a different kind of class mostly of twenty somethings.Bright-eyed,hopeful, on a spiritual journey.I was a team member and could sit anywhere and I was drawn to the energy,the tables of bright eyes.But in the corner was a lone couple,and older. not talking.I sat with them and opened a door to joy I could not have imagined.

I complimented the woman who had a stunning head of reddish hair.She thanked me and told me of the wig and why she wore it.All with a smile.And so I got to know Linda and her husband Dale and shared their year long journey to the Church, the hopsice and her eventual leaving us on a bright August morning.

In the process of the journey, I got to know her daughter,and two grandchildren.The girl is a teen and every Sunday that she is there,for the last six years, I have been hugged and made to feel special.The boy, who is a also a teen, sang in the choir this morning and his face shone like an angel.They have a little sister now who is five years old and was born after her grandmother passed away.She too has become my special hug buddy and I relish every minute with her.

Before Linda passed and not knowing whether she would be cured or not, she gave a testimonial from the altar of our church;what the journey and the church community meant to her.Then she said this;"I belong to God".
And without a tear, just a smile, she stepped down to her seat.


Anonymous said...

As I work in the garden, or just stand my crossing guard post each morning, a gentle breeze--and sometimes a wind strong enough to take my hat off-often moves around me.
This breeze/wind reminds me of the Holy Spirit. God says in His Word: the wind blows where it will and you cannot see it and yet you can feel its moving; so it is with the Holy Spirit. One of the best missionary books I ever read was "Like the Mighty Wind" about the spirits leading in our lives.

Recently, members of our church met a McDonald's for coffe and to go our visiting and 'soul winning'. I noticed a couple sitting in a corner booth counting out pennies. Their clothes spoke of poverty. The spirit said to me "feed them". So my husband went over and asked if he could treat them to breakfast--anything they wanted. They were a little stunned but his humble grin won them over (he has known poverty in his own life). They accepted and he inobviously gave the man the funds they needed for a good meal.

Actually, We were the ones the Spirit blest that day!

georgia peach said...

Love your comment and your work.And it so beautifully demonstrates what my story spoke of.
You let the Spirit lead and expect someone to be blessed and that someone is you.Pressed down and flowing over.Mystery.
Give your hubbie a hug from me.