Thursday, August 22, 2019

there is something to this gratitude business..

For a few days now, I have had a small journal by my bedside. As soon as I wake up, I write down the things that fill me with gratitude. It does start the day better but I noticed something unusual that happened today. Instead of the near things: sleep, comfy bed, spouse etc, I was flooded with memories of my Mother's flowers. It was a trip I was taken on rather one that I chose.

I never saw my Mother garden but, sometime before I was born, the lilacs were planted. If you have never enjoyed the scent of May blooming purple lilacs, you are terribly deprived.They grew on the east side of the house and were as high as the second story. The lily of the valley almost beat the lilacs in the swooning scent contest.The azaleas, white, red ,salmon, pink were faithful every year. Dogwood, and daffodils.These are the gifts that surrounded me in the Spring on Long Island. I miss them.

Then came a different memory.I was laying on a gurney in 2010, waiting for my first colonoscopy. I was afraid and not too proud to admit it. Alone as I waited, I felt this: my beloved deceased dog Cooper was laying by my side next to my left arm.There was just enough room and I knew it was him. I was comforted beyond measure.

Ah, you say, nice memory but you conjured it to feel better. Maybe, but then there is this.When I got home and went on-line to Facebook, the most curious thing happened.On that day, a co-worker of my son's posted a picture of he and Cooper taken at the camp where they both spent the summers. He had taken it a few years before and posted it that day.

So, this was the second memory that surfaced to bless the beginning of my day. One miracle left. I wanted so much to see that picture again and had no idea how to find it. I went to Facebook and found it with ease on my son's timeline. I couldn't believe that I located that 9 year old post. God finds ways to let us know He is with us in whatever form He knows we are able to accept. Bouquets of flowers and a faithful dog. I am grateful.


Missy said...

Very sweet. I always remember you talk about Cooper and how he loved the river.

georgia peach said...

Thanks,Messy.I haven't blogged since March....need to get back..

patricia griggs said...

O my Georgia Peach, you must never stop writing these endearing memories.
You are back and I can count on being fully inspired, Merci Beaucoup!

Unknown said...

Such inspiration. Thanks for sharing this. Our memories are our best friends in difficult times.