Friday, August 23, 2019

what matters.

photo by C.P.Burrow

There is a scene in the movie,"The Way," where Martin Sheen is in a bar surrounded by people arguing about the Basque situation.He, being an American, is then asked his opinion.He says that he hasn't one and the men around him fall out of their chairs laughing."An American without an opinion, unheard of they chortle." We do have our opinions, we who are surrounded by news 24 hours a day. Much hysterical. This is important stuff but how do we know what really matters.The answer can come in the early morning hours when we first get out of bed.With pen and paper.

Yesterday was gracious memories, today, was here, now. "Awake, the world is out there , orderly , as it should be. Sun burning the summer grass, clay soil, hard and dry, the trees, still there, quiet, not moving. There is no hurricane or raging woods fire to take these trees away.They stand as they did yesterday, tired green, curled dried leaves below. Fall is coming as it has for all of my 70 plus years. Order. I am grateful.
Memories of lunch with a friend of the soul who inspires and a screensaver with Stanley , my youngest grandson. Smiling and perfect."

 Tucking these things in my heart through my pen and journal. Focus, appreciation. A choice.

The other day I was gifted with this beautiful haiku from a dear friend which she created at Mass last Sunday.. The writing of this unique poem tells me how she is focusing and appreciating.We remind each other:
                                                            Oak white hydrangea
                                                         small green lizard on blossom
                                                             watching church goers.......Kay Warford


Missy said...

Lovely. What will your first thoughts be tomorrow? My first thought when I wake up is usually, "I hope the coffee is ready." I wake up slow.

georgia peach said...

that's the fun part...I have no idea.It's like someone else is driving the car..those memories from yesterday were a was different..all I do know is it starts the day better than just getting up and letting life take you along...thanks for the card and comment...the card is going in a frame...

Jackie said...

Once again your posting hit a relevant personal cord. Your gift of intuitive timing is surpassed only by the intuitiveness of your writings. Sending you thanks and love...

Unknown said...

Beautiful thoughts. Kay is so talented as are you my friend.