Sunday, September 15, 2019

a chair and goodness

Another dream, another visitor. This time, Jean,  someone I used to work with was having her writings read aloud. Oh, how I wanted my story to be next. We writers are a vain lot. Read me, read me, and if my story makes you weepy or happy, I will love you for life. Sigh.

The word I woke with this morning was something like transparency. In Jeans' story, she was very open and vulnerable and that was it's greatness. I have trouble with that, always have. I want to be perceived as having it all together. All the time.

Maya, considered the Mother of Creation by her devotees in India is the Hindu and Buddhist Goddess of illusion. She, having brought all into existence by willing it, knows the truth of existence beyond the veils of our human perception of separateness and teaches us that we are all one.

And so, if deep within, I am that little five year old who was so afraid of making a mistake that I put a grey dot in the middle of the coloring book elephant, rather than risk going outside the lines, maybe you are too. I read on Twitter of a person that doesn't want to die but is tired of living and I pray, how I pray for grace to seep in to change that person's perception." It gets better,"; I scream inwardly and I add them to my prayer list. If he only knew how I believe God sees us.

For some reason we were talking about goodness at our last writing group meeting. I think one of the lovely participants is focusing on that word in her blog posts for this month. It brought to mind something I read about St. Therese Couderc and a vision she was gifted with that touches me deeply. She describes it this way : "

"I saw written as in letters of gold this word Goodness, which I repeated for a long while with an indescribable sweetness. I saw it even on the chair I was using as a kneeler. I understood then that all that these creatures have of good and all the services and helps that we receive from each of them is a blessing that we owe to the goodness of God, who has communicated to them something of His infinite goodness, so that we may meet it in every thing and everywhere".

If a chair is imbued with goodness from the providential Hand of God, so are we who bear His image. As Maya says: "We are all One , each of us the beautifully prismatic expression of the Divine." If only my Twitter friend knew how even a chair can speaks to us of God who we can meet in everything and everywhere.

1 comment:

patricia griggs said...

WOW! Providence is truly present in our collective writings...this is so encouraging, because this story contains Truth that I gladly share with you.