Thursday, September 5, 2019

He rescued first.


This summer, my three sons took off for the Grand Tetons in Wyoming to climb the highest peak.They had done it before, 25 years ago, and there was not a loved one left behind that wasn't deeply concerned for their safety. I said goodbye to each on the phone and sent them all this e-mail." Have fun, take care of your brothers, and safety first."The last part is my youngest son's mantra because he takes college groups into the deserts of West Texas and Mexico and is responsible for their safety.

They never made it to the top because of weather conditions and other factors but the trip was not without drama. After a hearty Chinese meal, my oldest son developed terrible stomach pains. He tried to gut it out but finally my youngest son saw that it was getting worse and took him to the hospital where he lay on a gurney in agony. I can hardly write the rest. Sean, the professor, held his brother's hand until after the surgery that removed his gall bladder. He also retrieved Mike's wife from the airport and when all the dust had settled, he went on his way. He was Christ.

My children have saved me more than once.My oldest from my own drama, Kevin, when I was stuck at the airport with a car that wouldn't start, my daughter Jessica, holding my hand on a tiny ledge at Cinque Terra and on the insane Paris streets.

I have been saved before. I left the Church in 1969 having seen no evidence of holiness or even that prayer worked. Everyone that I knew as church goers had terrible lives.I felt liberated when I crossed the bridge over the Belt Parkway in Queens  leaving that church building and superstition behind. I can do this on my own.

It was a few years later, while living in California,  that I awakened one morning with a huge hole in my being. What was missing? I prayed: "Lord, if you are there, help me."He did and the story of our reunion and life together has been my journey for over 50 years.

..."By the might of His glory you will be endowed with the strength needed to stand fast, even to endure joyfully whatever may come, giving thanks to the Father for having made you worthy to share the lot of the saints in light. He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son. Through Him we have redemption and the forgiveness of our sins." Coloss 1:11-14.

1 comment: said...

Very revealing, very liberating to know your story. WE all have been lost at some point in our lives. My wrong turns screamed like Isaiah but at the end of the line I was always rescued from each pitfall. Thanks for sharing and bring back memories that are now victorious surrenders.