Saturday, September 7, 2019

To the Road Crews with love...

Oh no, another one. "Road Crew?" Really? I want to turn this one in like a Scrabble tile. Turn my "X" in for a nice "A". But this is the word, so off we go.Where we land , nobody knows.

Whenever I drive by the prisoners picking up trash in Clayton County, my first thought is why are people such slobs. McDonald's bag, out the window it goes. Do they do it to give the convicts work? Maybe that's it; it is kindness but always my second thought is how sad it would be to drive by these men and spot your son. Could you stop and hug him ? I am sure not. How utterly sad. So my heart does turn to gratitude, that the faces I see are not familiar and that these men are helping my county.

What I need to be doing as I pass these men working on and cleaning the roadways is to pray for them, for their safety and redemption. For Christ's peace to be known to them this day.

The colorful, amazing photo above was captured by my friend Kris and I have used it so many times. Saints in a bar in Puerto Rico. It seems perfect for what comes next on my road crew musing. In my faith we are called to pray for those who have left us.We also believe that the saints who have gone before us can intercede for us to aid us on our journeys here. This is the communion of saints. The here and there. I have been praying each morning for my list of people, both here and gone. It has not occurred to me that they may be praying back for me. My parents, sister , aunts , uncles, old friends, grandparents. I am pretty sure that this is correct. I will know when I join them.

The Catechism says that The Communion of Saints is this: "The unity in Christ of all the redeemed,  those on earth and those who have died." One big party. Does it matter? I think it does. To know that those who left us care as much about us as we do them.What a wondrous thought.We are never alone.

They are working on my path, with helps I know nothing about. Now.

So,  for the road crews of the visible and the ones I cannot see, thank you.

From The Celts:

This is Aidan , strong and good,
who challenged all to love God more.
believe, and truly follow Him with a generous heart:
and this was the message that Aidan lived.
and this was the work that Oswald loved,
the peace Columba found, the peace of Christ,
the way Brigid lived.,
the prayer Patrick made,
the circle Ninian drew,
the life that Martin taught,
the house that love built,
the heart that John heard,
the way that God made.

1 comment: said...

Such a whimsical yet worthy attention to the 'real stuff' of life. A nice change to read about. Everything that touches us has purpose and we must be attentive to, what I call "connecting the dots" that keeps the mind sharp. Each time I see those prisoners, I pray for them.