Friday, September 13, 2019

options, butterflies and me.

Right now, outside my window is a brown and blue butterfly who is spending time on my bare, well eaten rose bush. He flits and so does my mind with this word "options". I turn to Scripture and read what is below..It stiffens my spine.It tells me to keep going even if no one reads what I write. Keep going. Get the truth out there. Be my instrument.

"I will bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me ."Ps 16:7.

Yes, this is what is happening. At night and in the early hours I am being exhorted. To listen and never think that my words are inadequate or unnecessary.

My journal scribbles from this morning mentions the option to be kind, thoughtful, interested, things I strive to do. Minutes later I failed badly.  I was writing a thank you note to my son when my husband came in to tell me about a friend at church who just offered to pick up another older friend and bring him to Mass each Sunday. I barely paid attention, trying to achieve my goal. As he left he said : "Tim, the man who volunteered, is a good man. I finished my note and realized that I had chosen another option rather than the kind one. Sigh. Words, is that all I produce?

I went into the room where my husband was making a list and told him this: "You have offered to do that same thing repeatedly, that makes you a good man."He smiled. It is often a struggle to recognize the best thing to do and then to follow through. In reading about mindfulness,I have discovered that one can learn to control thoughts; and that there is a nanosecond between a stimulant and your reaction where you, just you , can decide the best way. Lord, led me to that place more often.


Unknown said...

And again, you inspire!

patricia griggs said...

Thank God that we have choices to make in everything and if we sprinkle goodness in our choices, then heaven rejoices...a touching always, thank you for that.